Exploring microbial community structure and their interrelationship in tomato Rhizosphere
Bacillus cereus, microbial diversity, Rhizosphere, Signature genus, tomatoAbstract
The Rhizosphere is the small zone surrounding plants' root surface is now considered as hot spot for microbial diversity and pivotal for plant-microbe interaction. The plant-microbe interaction is very vital for plant growth, productivity and stress tolerance. The present study attempted to explore the culturable microbial diversity in the tomato Rhizosphere from agricultural fields of Haripal block of West Bengal. The study found that the Rhizosphere is rich in gram-positive rods, and further biochemical characterisation predicted Bacillus cereus as the signature genus consisting of 26% of the total bacteria characterised in this study. Pearson’s correlation coefficient of different important adaptive characters of the bacterial population revealed strong correlations between salt tolerance, exo-polysaccharide (EPS) production, acid tolerance and phosphate solubilizing activity. These interactions may be crucial for Rhizosphere colonisation and overcoming hostile environment like salinity, drought, soil acidity and ultimately promote plant growth under diverse environmental stress.
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