Status code
1) Reviewer invited: Invitations were sent out to reviewers, but no replies have yet been received.
2) Editor Invited: In this case, the manuscript is in the hands of an editor, who will decide whether or not to accept it.
3) Under Review: This indicates that the paper is currently being reviewed by a group of independent experts.
4) Required Reviews Complete: The review that was required has now been completed. You may expect a response from Editor-in-Chief shortly once he finishes his investigation.
5) Revise: There has been a request for significant or small changes based on the reviewer's remarks, and the submission has been returned to the author for those revisions.
6) Revised Manuscript Submitted: This signifies that the author has submitted an updated version of the document. The paper is currently being formatted by the journal.
7) Completed Accept: This status indicates that the editor is happy with the author's changes and has made a final acceptance decision.
8) Pending: It indicates that your work has been peer-reviewed, and the Associate Editor and other editors will now look through the reviews and suggest whether it should be accepted or rejected.
9) Under processing: This means your paper is undergoing preliminary quality assessment by the chief editor. After this, your paper will be sent to a concerned editor who will invite the reviewers. You will see that status changes to "under review". If t your manuscript fails to pass the quality check.
10) Decision in the process: it means the editorial board is now deliberating whether or not to publish your work, thus this signifies that a decision has been made.
11) Rejection: It indicates your article was rejected after a preliminary review by the journal's Editor-in-chief. Papers are rejected in general because they do not meet the journal's scope or some of the fundamental criteria of the journal. Please be advised that no further correspondence about the manuscript will be entertained.