Scientific Assessment and Sorting of Topological Parameters Affecting Time in Recovering from COVID-19

Keywords: Coronavirus, Recovery rate, SARS - COV-2, Topological Parameters, Viruses


Coronavirus disease 2019 is a new infectious respiratory disease as named by the World Health Organization. This virus is affecting different individuals in diverse manners. Consequently, studies are going on to identify the factors and parameters disturbing predominantly. According to various studies, the immunity of a person determines the effect of the virus on that individual's health. Thus, immunity is determined by multiple factors like climate, population, geographical location, sanitation facilities.  In existing studies, the effect of various climatic factors, such as temperature, relative humidity of diverse countries and areas, on COVID-19 spread is taken. To extend these studies, this paper is an effort to consider almost all the topological parameters of significant countries and different states of India for analysing their effects on the recovery rate due to COVID-19. Finally, these parameters are ranked /sorted as per their impact on recovery rates.


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How to Cite
Vashist, P., Vashist, R., & Tripathi, A. (2023). Scientific Assessment and Sorting of Topological Parameters Affecting Time in Recovering from COVID-19. International Journal of Experimental Research and Review, 30, 359-365.