Exploring student community engagement in higher education: A bibliometric analysis on the path to sustainable development

Keywords: student community, higher education, sustainable development, bibliometric


Higher education institutions have seen significant growth in student community engagement initiatives, which act as engines for fostering social justice and fostering civic responsibility. By conducting a thorough bibliometric analysis of the literature on student community engagement programmes in higher education and focusing specifically on exploring the opportunities and challenges associated with sustainable practises, this study seeks to add to the body of knowledge already in existence. Data were taken from the Scopus database and analysed using a variety of bibliometric indicators and network visualisation tools. The analysis's findings provide insight into a number of facets of the field, including publication output, frequently used author keywords, prestigious journals, influential institutions, prolific authors, and national contributions. The study sheds important light on the scholarly work surrounding student community participation programmes in higher education by looking at these factors. The results of this study also highlight the opportunities and issues that must be resolved in order to implement sustainable practices in student community engagement programmes. To ensure such programmes' sustained success and impact, it is important to strengthen interdisciplinary research efforts, cultivate strong community connections, and create long-term sustainability strategies. This study contributes to understanding student community engagement programmes in higher education by exploring the literature through a bibliometric lens, revealing knowledge gaps, highlighting areas for further investigation, and highlighting opportunities for advancement.


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How to Cite
Mittal, P., & Jora, R. (2023). Exploring student community engagement in higher education: A bibliometric analysis on the path to sustainable development. International Journal of Experimental Research and Review, 32, 166-177. https://doi.org/10.52756/ijerr.2023.v32.014