Brain tumor detection model based on CNN and threshold segmentation

Keywords: CNN, De-noise, MR, MRI image, Threshold segmentation, Tumor


Brain tumours pose a substantial global health issue, emphasising the criticality of timely and precise identification to ensure optimal treatment outcomes. This research introduces an innovative methodology for the identification of brain tumours by employing a fusion of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) with threshold segmentation techniques. The objective of the suggested model is to improve the precision and effectiveness of brain tumour identification in medical imaging, namely Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans. Fast and precise diagnosis is necessary in the medical profession for effective treatment, but current technologies lack this capability. For successful therapy, it is therefore necessary to develop an effective diagnosis application. Global threshold segmentation for pre-processing is used in this study. Image capture and de-noising were completed in the first stage, while classification and regression were completed in the second stage using ML approaches. A computer-aided automated identification method is the computational technique used in this study. This investigation uses one hundred twenty (120) brain scans from a real-time MRI brain database, of them 15 normal and 105 abnormal. According to performance metrics, the accuracy of training and testing pictures was 99.46%. Comparing this method to recently published methods, it is determined that LR-ML with the threshold segmentation has a rapid, precise brain diagnostic system.


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How to Cite
Jain, J., Sahu, S., & Dixit, A. (2023). Brain tumor detection model based on CNN and threshold segmentation. International Journal of Experimental Research and Review, 32, 358-364.