Liquid bio-slurry enhances the productivity of N-fertilized maize under field conditions in Ethiopia




Food security, grain yield, mineral fertilizer, productivity, soil amendment


Enhancing maize production and productivity is critical for ensuring small-scale farmers' food security. Yet, declining soil fertility poses a substantial challenge to cereal production, including maize, in developing countries. Farmers are currently finding liquid bio-slurry to be a valuable organic amendment because it improves maize productivity and food security by altering the physicochemical properties of the soil. However, extensive research on liquid bio-slurry as an organic amendment in Ethiopia is still limited. Hence, a field experiment was conducted at two sites to identify the optimal combination of inorganic nitrogen (N) and liquid bio-slurry to improve maize productivity. The trial involved the application of two mineral N fertilizers and five different rates of liquid bio-slurry in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The results revealed that the main effects of mineral N and liquid bio-slurry were significant (p< 0.05) on most of the parameters examined. The interaction between mineral N x liquid bio-slurry had a significant (p< 0.05) effect on plant height, ear length, number of rows ear-1, number of kernels ear-1, above-ground dry biomass yield, hundred-grain weight, grain yield, and straw yield. The highest grain yield (8,220 kg ha-1) was achieved by combining 46 kg N ha-1 with 18 t liquid bio-slurry ha-1. Therefore, 46 kg N ha-1 with 18 t liquid bio-slurry ha-1 is highly recommended for increasing maize yield in the study sites and other areas with similar agroecological zones.


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How to Cite

Yohannes, Z., Yoseph, T., Kiflu, A., Ayalew, T., & Haile, A. (2024). Liquid bio-slurry enhances the productivity of N-fertilized maize under field conditions in Ethiopia. International Journal of Experimental Research and Review, 43(Spl Vol), 13–31.