Role of Technology Innovation in Economic Growth: A Bibliometric Analysis




Technology Innovation, Economic Growth, Bibliometric Analysis, Bibliometrix, co-citation analysis, Economic Development


Economic growth is a metric used to measure a country's development and advancement. Technological innovation is a driving force behind economic growth and helps to improve and modernize industrial techniques. Thus, this study aims to synthesize existing research on the impact of technology innovation on economic growth from 2010 to 2024 through bibliometric analysis. 414 documents were extracted from the Scopus database and then analyzed through the BiblioShiny software. This review provides insightful information on the background of technological innovation and its impact on economic growth and analyses data according to publication patterns, sources, documents, authors, nations, and keywords. The results indicate a rapid and remarkable growth (28.91%) in this field, suggesting that interest in this field has increased noticeably. China emerges as a leader in terms of research production, citations, and partnerships when national contributions are examined. China is also a keyword that is frequently used in related literature. Sharif A. and Liu J are the most influential authors in terms of citation and publication respectively.  Jiangsu University is the top institution, and “Environment Science and Pollution Research” is the top source that has contributed the highest number of articles in this field. Various bibliometric studies have been carried out to explore the concept of technology innovation in different facets and contexts, but economic growth through the lens of technological innovation remains unexplored. Thus, this study advances our knowledge regarding the influential role of technology innovation in economic growth by using a bibliometric lens to examine the literature, identify knowledge gaps, indicate areas requiring more research, and highlight the potential for progress. These findings will have significant implications that can greatly benefit researchers, decision-makers, and professionals in crafting policies and focusing on infrastructure development to support technology innovation. This bibliometric study concludes with limitations and recommendations for further study.


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How to Cite

Sharma, A. (2024). Role of Technology Innovation in Economic Growth: A Bibliometric Analysis. International Journal of Experimental Research and Review, 44, 121–135.