About the Journal

IHRDI Journal of Sustainable Development is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, Bi-annual (Jan-June & July-December), open-access research journal published by the Inclusive Human Resource Development Initiative Foundation. IHRDI Journal of Sustainable Development proposes to publish original research in the domain of Environment, Social and Governance issues with Sustainability as the main theme. It proposes to provide an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute original work in the said fields.
Frequency: Bi-annualDouble-blind peer reviewed

Start Year: 2024 | Format: Online | Language: English | Subject Areas: Social Sciences
Sustainable Development, ESG, Environment issues, Climate Change, Urban Development, Rural Development,  Public Policy, Management , Governance

Publisher: Inclusive Human Resource Development Initiative (IHRDI) Foundation, 793 RCS Enclave, Sector 49A Chandigarh -160047

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Global Perspective and Environment Policy
View All Issues

IHRDI Journal of Sustainable Development is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, Bi-annual (Jan-June & July-December), open-access research journal published by the Inclusive Human Resource Development Initiative Foundation. The Journal proposes to publish original research in the domain of Environment, Social and Governance issues with Sustainability as the main theme. It proposes to provide an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute original work in the said fields.

Frequency: Bi-annualDouble-blind peer reviewed

Start Year: 2024 | Format: Online | Language: English | Subject Areas: Social Sciences

Publisher: Inclusive human Resource Development Initiative (IHRDI) Foundation, 793 RCS Enclave Sector 49A Chandigarh 160047