Consequences of inappropriate behavior in youth and the issue of mobbing

  • Krzysztof Gaweł Cracow University of Economics, 27 Rakowicka Street, Cracow, Poland
Keywords: Causes of aggression, mobbing, results of early violence


The aim of the article is to present a phenomenon closely related to the issue of mobbing. It offers theoretical approaches explaining this matter. The most common sources of aggressive proceedings in early childhood were discussed with details, mainly outlining subjective and situational conditions. Possible consequences of aggression in children at subsequent levels of their development have been presented, with special consideration of its negative consequences. The meaning of early aggression of violence for the future development of mobbing proceedings was also highlighted.


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How to Cite
Gaweł, K. (2018). Consequences of inappropriate behavior in youth and the issue of mobbing. International Journal of Experimental Research and Review, 17, 11-16.