Abundance and diversity of unicellular, filamentous cyanobacteria (BGA) and other higher algal genera in different rice fields of North 24 Parganas District in West Bengal, India

  • Nikhil Chandra Halder Department of Botany, Uluberia College (University of Calcutta), Uluberia, Howrah, West Bengal, India
Keywords: Blue green algae, distribution pattern, nitrogen fixation, physic-chemical


The distribution of unicellular and filamentous Blue green algae in relation to seasonal variation in rice fields in three major rice growing different blocks of North 24 parganas in west Bengal has been under taken.  Present research paper deals with continued three successive years (2011-2014) studied for the first time. The different physicochemical parameters were chosen for this study. The occurrence of Cyanobacteria and altogether 48 species of Nitrogen fixing Cyanobacteria samples belonging to 25 genera and various orders were isolated in different rice growing fields. The increasing range of soil pH was certainly the important factor for the development of BGA up to certain limits. Comparatively more number of filamentous and heterocystous  forms were developed in July to October (kharif season) and less number of  unicellular forms were  in November to June (Rabi season). When water level was low, Starting the crop season the rice growing fields developed mainly Unicellular, colonial  and Non-Heterocystous filamentous Cyanobacteria and slight developed water level  in the middle of rice growing time, Non-Heterocystous  and Heterocystous Cyanobacteria were observed. When water level was more and at the end of rice crop season mostly Heterocystous and filamentous Cyanobacteria (BGA) were developed.


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How to Cite
Halder, N. (2015). Abundance and diversity of unicellular, filamentous cyanobacteria (BGA) and other higher algal genera in different rice fields of North 24 Parganas District in West Bengal, India. International Journal of Experimental Research and Review, 1, 17-27. https://doi.org/10.52756/ijerr.2015.v01.003