A Comprehensive Approach to Treating Acute Fissure-in-ano (Parikartika) with the AYUHEAL Suppository

Keywords: AYUHEAL Suppository, Fissure in ano, Guda Varti, Parikartika, rectum bleeding



Parikartika refers to a medical condition characterized by sharp pain in the anal region. Parikartika, in the context of Western medicine, can be understood as being similar to Fissure-in-ano. This condition is characterized by a combination of increased tension in the internal anal sphincter and reduced blood supply in the posterior midline area of the anal canal. This clinical study examines the effectiveness of the AYUHEAL suppository. This poly-herbal compound is designed to have both local and systemic effects in treating patients with Parikartika, explicitly focusing on acute Fissure-in-ano. A total of fifty patients were subjected to clinical examination and diagnosed with acute Fissure-in-ano based on symptoms including anal pain, per rectum bleeding, burning sensation during and after defecation and constipation. The AYUHEAL suppository was administered thrice daily for seven days. The therapeutic effects of the suppository were evaluated by assessing various parameters on days 1, 3, 5 and 7. The findings demonstrated a notable amelioration in the symptoms, encompassing anal pain, rectal bleeding, post-defecation burning sensation, and constipation throughout the treatment period. Subsequent evaluations on the 21st day showed no reappearance of Fissure-in-ano, indicating a consistently favorable result. This study shows that using AYUHEAL suppository as the cutting-edge treatment for seven days effectively reduced the symptoms of Parikartika, specifically acute Fissure-in-ano. The suppository's poly-herbal composition allows it to have an effect both at the local site and throughout the entire body, indicating its potential as a comprehensive approach to managing this condition. Additional research and extensive clinical trials are necessary to confirm these findings and investigate the long-term effectiveness of AYUHEAL suppositories in treating Parikartika.


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How to Cite
Pawaskar, M., & Ansari, Z. (2023). A Comprehensive Approach to Treating Acute Fissure-in-ano (Parikartika) with the AYUHEAL Suppository. International Journal of Experimental Research and Review, 35, 160-168. https://doi.org/10.52756/ijerr.2023.v35spl.015