A Study of RF Power Amplifiers for 5G and Future Generation Mobile Communication: Can FinFET Replace CMOS?





Linear Power Amplifiers, CMOS, RF Circuits, Envelope Tracking


A low-power strategy that can manage analogue, digital, and RF functionalities on a similar chip is crucial for wireless systems. Various difficulties restrict the widespread adoption of CMOS power amplifiers despite the fact that they provide highly integrated, low-cost wireless communication. Some of the main issues with CMOS power amplifiers include non-linearity, low breakdown voltage, a lack of high-voltage capacitors, and incorrect RF models. The RF signal is amplified without distortions using a linear power amplifier (LPA), which is less effective whenever driven by constant voltage. In order to significantly enhance the effectiveness of the power amplifiers, three frequently utilised techniques—Doherty, envelope elimination and restoration (EER), and envelope tracking (ET) techniques are reviewed in this work. Results point towards ET approach as the one that is ideally suited for future mobile communication systems. The essential component of ET systems, the envelope tracking power source, is what determines how effectively the system functions. It also lists the benefits of FinFET technology over CMOS and looks at three well-liked techniques for increasing power amplifier efficiency. Considering the advent of mobile communications systems, the frequency band and peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) are quickly growing, posing significant design issues. FinFET as an alternative may considerably reduce the chip area.


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How to Cite

Gangadharan, S., Khanam, R., & Thangasamy, V. (2024). A Study of RF Power Amplifiers for 5G and Future Generation Mobile Communication: Can FinFET Replace CMOS?. International Journal of Experimental Research and Review, 46, 222–239. https://doi.org/10.52756/ijerr.2024.v46.018


