Acute toxicity of sodium chloride on different developmental stages (Egg, Spawn, Fry and Fingerlings) of Labeo rohita (Rohu)

  • Anusaya Mallick Department of Environmental Science, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, West Bengal - 741235, India
  • Bikash Chandra Mohapatra Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, (Indian Council of Agricultural Research), Bhubaneswar- 751 002, Odisha, India
  • Niranjan Sarangi Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, (Indian Council of Agricultural Research), Bhubaneswar- 751 002, Odisha, India
Keywords: Acute toxicity, bioassay, Labeo rohita, LC50, rohu, sodium chloride


The acute toxicity test of the sodium chloride (NaCl) was studied on different stages (egg, spawn, fry and fingerlings) of freshwater fish, Labeo rohita, Hamilton, through bioassay test. Different concentrations of sodium chloride salt solutions (0.5 – 10000, 1.2 - 20000, 0.75 - 11250 and 50-10000 ppm) were selected for toxicity studied of egg, spawn, fry and fingerlings respectively. Percentage of dead or damaged egg, spawn, fry and fingerling at 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72 and 96 hours were recorded for the calculation of LC50. The LC50 values of NaCl of egg, spawn, fry and fingerling were ranged from 5561.04 -3.25, 3564 -357, 10001.87 - 750.23 and 9738 - 5206.95 ppm in 6 - 96 hours respectively. The fish exposed to the salt solutions showed erratic swimming and loss of balance in a dose dependent manner. The regression values and the 95% confidence limits of the LC50 values for each test were also calculated for different time periods. The increase in NaCl concentration in water increased the toxicity and reduced the duration to damage 50% of the eggs, spawn, fry and fingerling. Low hatchability, delayed hatching, poor survival observed in the test solutions >1000ppm concentration.


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How to Cite
Mallick, A., Mohapatra, B., & Sarangi, N. (2016). Acute toxicity of sodium chloride on different developmental stages (Egg, Spawn, Fry and Fingerlings) of Labeo rohita (Rohu). International Journal of Experimental Research and Review, 5, 49-57. Retrieved from