Performance Evaluation of YOLOv5-based Custom Object Detection Model for Campus-Specific Scenario

  • Dontabhaktuni Jayakumar School of Electronics Engineering, VIT-AP University, Amaravati-522241, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Samineni Peddakrishna School of Electronics Engineering, VIT-AP University, Amaravati-522241, Andhra Pradesh, India
Keywords: Autonomous electric vehicles, computer vision, custom data, object detection, YOLO


This study evaluates the performance of a custom object detection model based on the YOLOv5 architecture, specifically tailored for autonomous electric vehicles. The model undergoes pre-processing using the Roboflow computer vision platform, which offers a wide range of tools for data pre-processing and model training. The experiments were conducted on a diverse dataset comprising various objects encountered in campus-specific driving scenarios, such as pedestrians, vehicles, buildings, and obstacles. The performance of the custom object detection model is assessed using standard metrics, including precision, recall, mean average precision (mAP), and intersection-over-union (IoU) at different thresholds. The training process was conducted in a controlled environment, resulting in a Precision of 0.851, a Recall of 0.831, and a mAP of 0.843. These metrics were analyzed to evaluate the YOLOv5-based custom object detection model's ability to detect and categorize objects accurately, its precision in predicting bounding boxes, and its capability to handle various object categories. We also examined the effects of different hyperparameters and data augmentation techniques on the model's performance, including variations in learning rate, batch size, and optimizer algorithms to determine their impact on accuracy and convergence. This analysis provided valuable insights into the model's strengths and weaknesses, highlighting areas for improvement and optimization. These findings are instrumental in developing and deploying advanced object detection systems to enhance the safety and reliability of autonomous electric vehicles.


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How to Cite
Jayakumar, D., & Peddakrishna, S. (2024). Performance Evaluation of YOLOv5-based Custom Object Detection Model for Campus-Specific Scenario. International Journal of Experimental Research and Review, 38, 46-60.