An Unravelled Potential of Foliar Application of Micro and Beneficial Nutrients in Cereals for Ensuring Food and Nutritional Security




Agronomic biofortification, food security, foliar application, hidden hunger, micronutrients, nutritional security


Micronutrient deficiency in soil and crops is a critical issue that contributes to what is known as hidden hunger. Hidden hunger refers to the lack of essential vitamins and minerals in people diets, often due to the poor nutrient content of staple crops, which can lead to significant health problems despite adequate caloric intake. Micronutrients are required in small amounts but are crucial for various physiological functions in plants, including cereals for enzyme activation, photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, and synthesis of vital compounds. Corrective measures to address micronutrient deficiencies include soil application, seed treatment, foliar sprays, and genetic biofortification. Foliar sprays are particularly effective as they allow for the direct application of nutrients to plant leaves, ensuring quick absorption and utilization. This method can rapidly correct deficiencies, improve crop yields, and enhance the nutritional quality of the produce. Previous research has shown the efficacy of foliar sprays in addressing micronutrient deficiencies. Additionally, advancements in nanotechnology have led to the development of more efficient foliar spray formulations that enhance nutrient uptake and minimize environmental impact. Overall, addressing micronutrient deficiencies through foliar sprays and other agronomic practices is vital for improving crop health, yield, and nutritional quality, thereby contributing to food security and the alleviation of hidden hunger. However, specific dose of each micro- and beneficial nutrients are highly related to crops and cropping systems, season, agroclimatic conditions, materials used, and crop growth stage. The review article focuses on all issues and concerns with possible options for correcting micronutrient deficiency in cereals to ensure food and nutritional security and agricultural sustainability.


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How to Cite

Ray, S., Maitra, S., Sairam, M., Sravya, M., Priyadarshini, A., Shubhadarshi, S., & Padhi, D. P. (2024). An Unravelled Potential of Foliar Application of Micro and Beneficial Nutrients in Cereals for Ensuring Food and Nutritional Security. International Journal of Experimental Research and Review, 41(Spl Vol), 19–42.