Empirical study on design and development of hand-crafted footwear

Keywords: Artisan, hand craft, hand sewn, Kolhapuri chappal, footwear


With its enormous potential in terms of employment, growth, and exports, the footwear industry is an important player in the Indian context, and can contribute to the nation's economic development. It is worth noting here that leather footwear in Kolhapuri style has a distinguished history spanning hundreds of years. This craft style is a labor-intensive production process in which the primitive nature of the tools and equipment are used. In the present context, this craft style is about to go extinct because of artisans' declining interest. The present study reports an attempt to improve the manufacturing procedure and productivity without changing the fundamental nature of the craft (its actual essence). The study reports on the local craft cluster's efforts to rethink the craft style in terms of technological interventions, skill development, product diversification, commercial opportunities, etc. Further, the study reports the necessity of conducting social workshops on design innovations. The study advocates the revitalization of Kolhapur's identity and the need for acceleration of this dying craft.


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How to Cite
Jadhav, G., Salve, U., Kumar, R., Vashist, S., Kumar, V., Kumar, D., Banga, H., & Ambekar, A. (2023). Empirical study on design and development of hand-crafted footwear. International Journal of Experimental Research and Review, 30, 87-99. https://doi.org/10.52756/ijerr.2023.v30.010